Roulette Jackpot

Betix Casino's Roulette features an exciting Bonus Jackpot that fills up with a percentage of all the bets placed on the Roulette during the rounds. The Jackpot provides an additional opportunity for players to win big when playing the game.

Roulette Jackpot Rules:

  1. Jackpot Accumulation:

    • A fraction of every bet placed on the Roulette contributes to the growing Jackpot.

  2. Triggering the Jackpot:

    • Each roll has a 0.012% chance to activate the Jackpot.

  3. Eligibility:

    • To qualify for the Jackpot, players must place a bet on the winning color.

  4. $BETX Burn:

    • Before the Jackpot distribution, 10% of its total amount is used to purchase $BETX tokens from a DEX. These tokens are then immediately burned, decreasing the total circulating supply.

  5. Jackpot Distribution: The remaining 90% of the Jackpot is then split as follows:

    1. Universal Distribution (50%): Half of the remaining Jackpot (45% of the original amount) is distributed evenly among all players who placed a bet on the winning color during the winning round, regardless of $BETX token ownership.

    2. $BETX Holder Distribution (50%): The other half (45% of the original amount) is distributed proportionally among players who placed a bet on the winning color during the winning round and have deposited and hold at least 100 USDT worth of $BETX tokens. The distribution is based on the proportion of $BETX tokens held in relation to other qualifying bettors.

      • If no players meet these requirements, then 50% of this reserved portion (i.e., 22.5% of the original Jackpot) is added to the next Jackpot.

      • The other 50% of the reserved portion (i.e., 22.5% of the original Jackpot) is used to purchase and burn additional $BETX tokens.


Let's envision a scenario for a clearer understanding of how the "$BETX Burn Jackpot" works:

  1. Jackpot Amount: Suppose the jackpot has accumulated to 1,000 USDT.

  2. BETX Burn: Before distribution, 10% of the jackpot (100 USDT worth) is used to purchase and burn $BETX tokens. This leaves 900 USDT for distribution to the players.

  3. Winning Color Bets: Imagine you've bet 50 USDT on the winning color (let's say red). The total bets on red during that round amount to 500 USDT.

  4. Distribution to All Players: 50% of the remaining jackpot (450 USDT) is distributed to everyone who bet on the winning color. If there are 10 players, including you, each player would receive 45 USDT.

  5. Distribution to $BETX Token Holders:

    • You have deposited and hold $BETX tokens worth 150 USDT.

    • Suppose there are 3 players, including you, who hold at least 100 USDT worth of $BETX tokens and bet on the winning color.

    • The remaining 450 USDT is to be divided among these 3 eligible players.

    • Assuming you own 30% of the total $BETX tokens held by these 3 users, you would receive an additional 135 USDT (30% of 450 USDT).

  6. Total Winnings:

    • Your initial bet win: 50 USDT

    • Even Distribution Win: 45 USDT

    • $BETX Token Holder Distribution Win: 135 USDT

    • Total Winnings: 230 USDT

Remember, this is a hypothetical scenario to showcase how the jackpot distribution works. The actual amount you could win depends on various factors, including the size of the jackpot, the number of $BETX token holders who bet on the winning color, and the proportion of $BETX tokens you hold relative to others.

Try Your Luck

To participate in the Roulette game with the Jackpot feature and experience the thrill of potentially winning massive prizes, visit Remember to read the rules for the Roulette Jackpot to maximize your chances of winning and make the most of your gaming experience. Good luck!

Last updated